February 20th, 2017
Story Maps Tutorial
Esri Story Maps allows users to create narratives centered around interactive maps and other multimedia content, including images and videos.
In this step-by-step guide developed for Rewiring Consent: Data Visualization & Social Justice: Maps Workshop, Social Sciences Librarian Theresa Quill walks you through the creation of a map and its associated narrative.
Workshop and Map Content
Most victims of sexual assault do not file a report. In this tutorial, we will reconfigure the flowchart of the filing process found in IU’s Title IX Report into a campus map in order to make this action more envisionable and therefore (possibly) more feasible.
During the workshop, facilitators used this map to consider how to represent non-locational information in GIS and explore what maps tend to highlight or omit in the trajectories we wish to represent.
While you work on the map, consider the following critical questions:
How do visualizations gloss over gaps, flaws, troubling features of original data? What is a clean data set?
How to map emotions? What if we let affect color the topography?
How to map perceptions of safety vs. statistics about where attacks frequently occur?