Presented by Girmaye Misgan, Penn Libraries, as part of GIS Day @ IU 2020.
Based on experience at the Penn Libraries, my talk will explore the landscape of Mapping and GIS services at higher education institutions, and the role and core competency of the GIS librarian in promoting spatial literacy on campus through presentation of several examples: 1) The Penn MapRoom/MapTable as a collaborative mapping method that have been successfully integrated as a course curriculum into an Urban History class; 2) Penn COVID-19 Twitter sentiment mapping; 3) crowdsourced accessbility mapping application; 4) deep mapping in an ancient history project; and 5) miscellaneous research project consultations. The examples cover applications in various disciplines from the Social sciences, humanities, and health sciences, to physical sciences.
This presentation was part of GIS Day @ IU in November 2020, and was co-sponsored by the IU Libraries (and its sub-unit, Government Information, Maps and Microform Services), the IU School of Public Health, the IU Cultural Studies Program, the IU Media School, and the IU Department of Information and Library Services.