What is HASTAC?
Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and
Collaboratory (HASTAC, pronounced “haystack”) is an alliance of more than 11,500 humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists and technologists working together to transform the future of learning for the 21st century. The HASTAC Scholars fellowship program is a student-driven community of graduate and undergraduate students who are working at the intersection of technology and the arts, humanities and sciences. Their work centers on rethinking pedagogy, learning, research, and academia for the digital age.
The Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities (IDAH) is looking for IUB students to sponsor as HASTAC scholars for the 2022-23 academic year. Ideal candidates will be graduate or advanced undergraduate students who are engaging with digital tools and methods in their research, teaching, or creative work. HASTAC scholars will have the opportunity to develop a digital project of their own design, network with other digital artists and humanities scholars on campus, participate in workshops and IDAH events, and share their work at IU and with the online HASTAC community. As part of the program, HASTAC scholars will each receive an honorarium as well as mentorship and technical support from IDAH faculty, staff, and affiliates.
The internal deadline for 2022-2023 applications will be March 25, 2022. Applications will open Feb 3, 2022, and we strongly encourage applicants to attend a pre-application consult with IDAH in early March. IDAH will contact successful applicants by May 27, 2022. Applicants do not need to register with HASTAC as part of the internal application process. Applications will be evaluated on the proposed project's originality, its importance for the applicant's educational and professional goals, and its potential to contribute to broader conversations that are happening at the university, in specific academic disciplines, or in the public sphere.
You can check out some of the previous HASTAC projects in our archives and Scholarworks collection.
Archived HASTAC Project Descriptions / Archived Spring Symposium Presentations
Scholar Requirements
Locally, IU HASTAC scholars are required to do the following:
- Attend monthly IUB HASTAC scholars’ meetings on the last Friday of the month at 2 PM
- Attend periodic IDAH events (seminars, workshops)
- Give a lightning talk on their project at the IDAH spring symposium in April and grant IDAH permission to make publish their work publicly online
As an outgrowth of their digital project, HASTAC scholars are expected to engage with the broader scholarly community. HASTAC scholars typically:
- Blog on the HASTAC site, introducing themselves and their projects
- Report on at least ONE local relevant event - any conference, talk, art project, symposium, experiment or collaboration - during the year
- Contribute to HASTAC Scholar Discussion Forums, either by hosting or commenting.
- Build community and conversation by commenting, tweeting, covering conferences, and helping organize local meet-ups.
- Share relevant job info, fellowship opportunities, conference CFPs, and publishing opportunities.
The application deadline for 2022-2023 HASTAC Scholars is March 25, 2022. The application will open on Feb 3 and IDAH will offer pre-application consults March 1 through March 4. If you have questions about the program or the application process, please contact us at idah@indiana.edu