Learn about the IU Libraries’ new data repository service.
Presented by Ethan Fridmanski, Jim Halliday, and Brian Keese
Datasets that underlie research findings are increasingly in demand. Funding agencies and publishers require that research data be discoverable, accessible, and preserved for future use. Beyond this, data preservation and sharing are essential for the advancement of science. While research articles and monographs have persisted through time the original data mostly has not. Data repositories are essential scientific and university infrastructure that help solve this problem. Without this infrastructure it is difficult for researchers to share their intellectual output broadly and securely while getting the proper credit. Data repositories provide a centralized hub for data and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration which leads to the generation of new theories and cutting-edge science.
DataCORE is IU Library’s new institutional data repository and provides the infrastructure to address these issues. In this presentation DataCORE’s development team and IU’s Data Services Librarian talk about the technology underlying DataCORE, its capacity and future as well as a demonstration on how to use it.